Sunday, August 12, 2012

Getting Ready for Fall

With the start of kindergarten just around the corner, I'm diving back into planning full-force.  Tonight, I had a little fun making these cool name tags.  

They are made out of a branch from the Apple Tree in my yard.  I love these because:
- They come right from nature and are extremely durable; and
- They are super easy to make.  All that's needed is some ribbon, a branch and someone to saw the branch into pieces and drill a hole.  In my case, that was my husband.  The names are written with a sharpie.

I used brown ribbons for the boys (brown/boys = same beginning consonant) and green ribbons for the girls (green/girls = same beginning consonant).  Also the brown represents the bark of the tree and the green the leaves.  

How will we use these?  At first for name identification and recognition activities.  Year long they will be used when we have specials and the kids need name tags.  I'm sure we'll find other reasons along the way too.  


  1. I love the green/brown idea. I've used these for years with outdoor education and made the ribbon according to grouping. One idea to add- I use my Christmas Tree every year. It's a great recycle idea.

  2. Love these! Sometimes kindergarten teachers need a break from laminating and the are just gorgeous!
